What a weekend it was! Took a few days from new recipes and blogging and spent a LOVELY weekend on Nantucket and Cape Cod with my bestest bestest friends from college and my home town.  The weather was perfect – the company even more perect – the wine/beer/delicious drinks flowed like water, and the food eating that was done was enough to give any person a food hangover.  So today, it’s back to work, and while I feel about 10 pounds heavier and many dollars poor’er, the time was worth every last extra cellulite dimple and penny spent.

And I came back to realize that one of my most fave blogs that was one of the first I discovered when entering the food blog world, Miki’s Kitchen, nominated me for an award! How fun is that?  Miki’s recipes are so awesome.  She has about 10 different kinds of cupcakes I want to try to make – and I know they would never come out as fancy or perfect looking as hers do, but hey, one can hope.  Her recipes are simple and easy and look absolutely delish, so thank you Miki for the vote, and also the delicious new recipes to add to my list!

Miki's Kitchen

“Ohhh Miki, your recipes are so fine, your recipes are so fine, they blow my mind, Hey Miki!”

Now, down to business.  The blog award is the kreativ blogger with this nomination, i am supposed to write 7 things about myself that readers might find interesting.  Would I call these facts interesting? Meh – depends on how bored you are! 

1) In just about 6 weeks, I will be a new mom…….

….to one of these adorable pups!!!! Haha – phew.  In a couple weeks, Dave and I will be headed out to pick out our first ‘child’, Hairy Maclary Schoon.  For those of you wondering “WTF kind of a name is that”, I will tell you! Hairy Maclary is a fictional dog from a series of children’s books created by an author in New Zealand named Lynley Dodd.  Why are we naming him that?  He was on the side of our camper van in New Zealand!  Dave and I had many arguments about what we were going to name our future dog – and once we picked up our van in New Zealand and saw that there were dogs on the side of it, the decision was made!

Dave and Hairy – he likes sausages

2) My full time job involves metal construction.  Be jealous – be very jealous.
3) I am an only child – don’t judge
4) Since Dave is technically part of this blog, an interesting fact involving him: he was missing his front tooth on our first date after getting it knocked out at a hockey game the night before.  Needless to say, he had pasta and ate it very slowly 🙂
5) I really like the smell of funny things, like musty basements and rubber cement.  Oversharing?
6) I have a shameless obsession with Real Housewives – especially Jersey – I secretly want to be one of their neighbors, or part of the Manzo family.  Although I think Dave would divorce me if I ever suggested moving there.  One can dream I suppose!
7) Another Dave fact: he has an obsession with monkeys.

Ok folks, there it is: our most interesting facts – take ’em or leave ’em!

Now, onto MY favorite ‘kreativ’ blogs!

1) Miki’s Kitchen (is that allowed to vote her back? I sure hope so!)
2) Eat Yourself Skinny (Kelly was on Dr. Oz recently – how cool is that?)
3) Skinny Taste
4) The Blond Cook
5) Closet Cooking (I know he has a zillion followers, but his frequent inclusion of buffalo chicken in recipes is amazing)
6) The Galley Gourmet
7) Taylor Takes a Taste (awesome recipes AND photography tips!)

And if you get nominated, some rules for you:

  • thank the blogger who gave you the award and link back to their blog.
  • copy the kreativ blogger award logo and place it in your post.
  • list 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
  • nominate 7 other kreativ bloggers.
  • leave a comment on the blogs you listed to let them know you nominated them.

So thank you Miki! And thanks to these blogs and all the others that are so creative and fun to read and aspire to be like 🙂   And now it’s back to the blogging wagon after falling off for a few days!